Hartlepool Borough Council’s Jobs & Skills Service have an opportunity through some external funding to commission some local community organisations who will engage economically inactive adults and support them to move closer to work within Hartlepool. This opportunity will allow us to:
-Trial the use of a new hyper-local approach to engage eligible adults who are economically inactive using tailored approaches based on the needs of the local community.
-Develop partnerships with community organisations who have the knowledge, confidence and trust to engage people and support them on their journey towards employment linking in with our established Employment Hub.
-Place individuals lived experience at the heart of the programme to improve social cohesion, overcome barriers with accessing services and support economically inactive adults to move closer to work within Hartlepool.
We want to work with voluntary and community organisations to co-design the offer and how the opportunity is delivered based on the concept that there is no one size fits all model of engaging or supporting those economically inactive. Co-design can only happen by working alongside organisations that in turn are working with people who are economically inactive/risk of, and will involve joint decisions like how to measure success, how payment might work for partners etc.
Please join us at the workshop on Monday 14th October at 1pm at Community Hub Central which will also serve as a way of knowing how any of us can become involved if we want to be.
A person is classed as economically inactive if they have not been seeking work or are unable to start work including those:
-out of work
-not actively looking for work
-not waiting to start a job
-not in full-time education
-caring for their family
We would love for as many community organisations to attend as this is a fantastic opportunity to support our residents in Hartlepool!
Contact either: