Did you know?
£80 million went unclaimed in
Hartlepool last year!

Did you know... 70% of IE Hub users find around £300 extra each month in benefits?

“Sometimes, help comes from the most unexpected places, and all you have to do is take the first step.
My monthly expenses were
in the red, with more going
out than what I had coming
in every month. I would avoid opening letters, because I knew they were going to be chasing my debts.
West View Advice and Resource Centre referred me to IE Hub, an online tool which allowed me to create a budget, check what extra support was available and share my information with any company I wanted to through a form. It only took me 20 minutes. The system found I could claim an extra £436 in benefits every month and highlighted that I was eligible for a discounted water and mobile phone tariff.
Using IE Hub, I shared my budget with the companies I was in debt with. I didn’t need to call them, I could do it all online. Now I’ve got money left over at the end of the month, I can afford to set up payment plans for my debts. The relief of not having to dread every phone call or letter is huge.”
Go to www.iehub.co.uk/customer to sign up to IE Hub for free!
Did you know that Hartlepool Foodbank offers much more than just food help?
Jeff came to the food bank with a voucher for food, he was introduced to Tony, the Foodbank’s Financial Inclusion officer. Jeff told Tony he had a job interview lined up however his bike was broken so he would struggle to get there, so Tony called a local charity that mends bikes for free.
Jeff was then able to get to the interview on his bike and was successful in getting the job!
28 Church Street,
TS24 7DH

DID YOU KNOW... West View Advice & Resource Centre PROVIDE free, independent advice on a variety of areas,
(benefits, debt, housing, employment and energy)

For advice or assistance in completing benefits and
other applications (including IE Hub), West View Advice
and Resource Centre are happy to help.
West View Advice and Resource Centre The Community Centre Miers Avenue, Hartlepool, TS24 9JQ
Did you know... if you are aged 16+ You can get free support from Let’s Connect, a local mental health charity?

Kieran’s story
“I came to Let’s Connect feeling really worried, as I was not in a good place and did not know what to expect. However, my wellbeing sessions were amazing! I did not have the best childhood and struggled to manage my emotions. I felt alone with no support network and a lack of purpose in my life.
Thanks to the help I received from Let’s Connect and the confidence that I gained, I am now going to peer support groups, have made new friends and I am feeling much better.
I would recommend Let’s Connect to anyone who may feel they need support. It has changed my life more than I could have hoped.”
Did you know... You could be entitled to benefits even if you have savings?
Heather is 75, she lives alone in a bungalow she owns. She has over £10,000 in savings. She receives a state pension and a small private pension. She didn't think she could get any extra benefit help due to her income and savings. She has been struggling with arthritis and with day to day tasks.
Her grandson told her about a benefit called Attendance Allowance which provides financial help to pensioners with care needs.
Heather applied for the allowance and was awarded it. This meant she could apply for other benefits too, including Guaranteed Pension Credit, Council Tax Support (meaning no Council Tax charge to pay) and a free TV licence.
This has resulted in Heather being £800 a month better off and it's made life much more comfortable for her and she's now also eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment.
What other help can I get by claiming pension credit?
Claiming Pension Credit doesn't just top up your income – it could help you get other benefits too!
Pension Credit can help with health costs...
- You’ll get free NHS dental treatment, and you can get help with the cost of glasses and transport to hospital.
- If you care for someone, you might get an extra amount known as Carer Addition, which is worth up to £45.60 a week.
- If you have a disability, you may get an extra amount known as Severe Disability Addition, which is worth up to £81.50 a week.
Pension Credit can help with housing costs...
You probably won't have to pay Council Tax (unless other people live with you).
If you rent your home, you might get your rent paid in full by Housing Benefit.
If you own your home, you might be eligible for a help with mortgage interest, ground rent and service charges.
Pension Credit can help with other costs...
If you're 75 or over, you can get a free TV licence.
You’ll be eligible for a Cold Weather Payment during particularly cold weather.
The Government has announced that from winter 2024 onwards, only people who claim Pension Credit (or another means-tested benefit) will be eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment, an annual payment to help with heating costs during the colder months.
Did you Know... even if you have a poor credit rating you could still get affordable finance from a Credit Union?
Chelsea, a Hartlepool mother, ended up paying back over £35,000 after borrowing £50 from a loan shark to pay for her child’s school uniform.
“When I fell behind with my payments, more interest was added and I started getting warning texts to my children and was threatened with punishment from a “big man”.
I was given a mobile phone and charged £50 a month – he checked who I had been talking to through my bill and used this to control me.
I became trapped in a cycle of debt that I couldn’t get out of and the amount just kept rising. I was scared for us, I suffered with severe anxiety and stress and ended up having to move away for the sake of my family’s safety. I just couldn’t see a way out.
With support, I talked to the Illegal Money Lending Team. They listened to me without judging me and helped me move forward and get my life back on track. This time they arrested the loan shark and he was out my life for good!”

Having problems with a loan shark?
Get in touch with the team, call the 24/7 confidential hotline 0300 555 2222, or send an email to reportloanshark@stoploansharks.gov.uk
Dave, a father of three, who is now claiming universal credit said “This was the first time I’ve ever had to claim benefits after losing my job.”
“I wanted life to be as normal as possible for my kids but I was spending more than I could afford and I’d quickly used up all of my savings. With the new school year coming up, I knew that school uniforms were needed and I couldn’t afford them.
”Dave had heard through friends about the support available from Community First (a credit union) and talked to them for help.
After a discussion with them about his financial situation, one of the things Dave said made a difference was making use of the Family Loan from Community First.
“All I had to do was open an account and have my child benefit paid into it for the length of the loan.” To get ahead and plan for next year I have also opened a Back To School savers account. This will help me get the children everything they need.”
How to open a Back to School Savings Account:
Join Community First Community Bank Open a Back to School Saving Account Save through the year Safe and Secure Savings Savings can be accessed between June & September

Did You Know... you could get extra help even if you are working?
A single working mum, Jenny, was talking to a friend about how hard she was finding things now her son was in secondary school. Uniform, sports kit and topping up his dinner allowance weekly was harder than she expected.
Jenny’s friend suggested she check out if she was entitled to any Universal Credit. Jenny wasn't sure she would be entitled to anything extra but agreed to take a look.
To her surprise, despite working 4 days a week she did qualify and is now receiving an income top up over almost £200 month. This has really helped with making ends meet.
Did you Know... £1.3 million worth of school uniform has been saved by families in 15 months?

ReLoved Clothing provide FREE clothing to those in need. Through community donations and recycling, they provide school uniform, coats, gloves, scarves, footwear and much more.
Greenbank, Stranton, Hartlepool, TS24 7QT
Open Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am-2pm
Tel: 07981 013 715
Email: Natalie@relovedclothing.org.uk
Website: https://bit.ly/3TH2pkJ
Did you know... that thirteen offer a range of free job help?
AVAILABLE to everyone whether you’re unemployed, in training , volunteering or currently working and wanting better paid or more hours (regardless of who your landlord is or if you are a home owner)

“After months of job searching, I was told about Thirteen’s Employment Team. They helped with improving my CV, access to IT and transport costs.
Through their help and encouragement, I got a job and continued to be supported by having regular check ins with the team. They really have changed my life for the better”
Did you know... CAP offer more than just financial support?

When Tammy’s husband passed away, she found herself unable to manage her finances. She was feeling really low, not wanting to leave her home and a few missed payments started to feel overwhelming for her.
A friend told her to give CAP a call and a home visit was arranged. Michele, the local Debt Coach came to visit; and Tammy was amazed to hear that there were options for working her way out of debt. Tammy brought out bags of letters that she had previously felt too anxious to open and together they sorted through them. She now felt empowered and much more positive after Michele’s visit.
From all the information gathered, the advice team at CAP put together a bespoke budget that could work for Tammy. They also began negotiating with lenders, getting interest stopped where possible.
Along the journey, Tammy took up the option from CAP to have a little extra support from a volunteer befriender. They helped with various things from visiting and having a cuppa with Tammy, offering to go for a short walk to the shop with her, as well as supporting with other appointments and activities
As her debt was lifted, Tammy could see a way forward and no longer felt burdened by her financial situation – her anxiety was eased and she even felt more able to leave the house on her own. She felt that (without judgement) she had gained lots of helpful tips on managing her finances moving forward.
Did you know... FInancial advice and support is available if you’re struggling to make ends meet?
Step 1: What’s the problem?
I suddenly have no money
Lost job/ reduced hoursLost money/ unexpected expense
Disaster (e.g. flood or fire)
Relationship breakdown
Money stopped (e.g. failed a medical)
Sanctioned - see option 5
See options 1 2 5 6
I am waiting on a benefit payment/ decision
Made a new claim for benefit
Benefit payment is delayed
Waiting for a benefit decision
See options 1 4
My money doesn’t stretch far enough
Deciding between food/ fuel/ mobile credit
Low income or zero/ low hours contract
Statutory Sick Pay too low to cover costs
Facing redundancy
Not sure if eligible for support
Change of circumstance (e.g. new baby/ bereavement/ illness/ left partner)
See options 1 2
I have debt
Rent or Council Tax arrears
Gas or electricity
Credit or store cards
Personal loans and overdrafts
Owing friends and family
Benefit repayments
See options 3
Step 2: What are some options
1 Council Support Schemes
People on low incomes may be eligible for Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support (and Exceptional Relief), and Discretionary Housing Payments from the council. These awards are discretionary and will depend on your current circumstances.
Find out more at: www.hartlepool.gov.uk
2 Maximise Your Income
Anyone who is struggling financially can get a benefit check, speak to an adviser to receive some free and confidential advice.A benefit check can ensure that you are getting all the money you’re entitled to, especially if your circumstances have changed recently. Speaking to an advisor could also help you with managing gas and electricity bills and make sure you’re not missing out on things like grants from charities or free school meals.
5 Hardship Payment
If you have been sanctioned, you may be able to request a hardship payment from the Jobcentre. Hardship payments are not always paid straight away, and they’re not available to everyone. Hardship payments of Universal Credit need to be paid back (a loan),but hardship payments of Job Seekers Allowance or Employment Support Allowance do not (not a loan).
3 Debt Advice
Debt can happen to anyone. Free advice and support can help you find ways to manage your debts and reduce how much you pay each month.
4 Benefit Advance
If you have made a new claim for benefit and are in financial hardship while you wait for your first payment, you may be able to get an advance to afford things like rent or food. It’s important to get advice before taking out an advance. Benefit advances must be paid back, and the money will be taken from your future benefits payments (a loan).
6 Challenge a Decision
You can challenge a benefit decision if your benefit has been stopped/ sanctioned/ reduced/ refused or you have been overpaid. Most benefit decisions need to be challenged within one month.
Step 3: Where can I get help?
Each of these services offer free and confidential advice
Citizens Advice Hartlepool
Advice on benefits, debt, money, housing & more
Help with options: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Advice and support on benefits as well as home visits and tribunal representation
Help with options: 1 2 4 5 6
West View Advice and Resource Centre
Help and support with housing, employment, debt and benefits
Help with options: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Age UK Teesside
Information, advice and helpline services for older people, their families and carers
Help with options: 1 2 6
Christians Against Poverty
Free debt counselling service
Help with options: 3
Other Support
Hartlepool Now - Money Matters
Information and advice to consider when making financial decisions
Hartlepool Borough Council - Welfare Support
Provides help for residents who have experienced a crisis or disaster
Housing Advice Team
Housing advice for private and council tenants as well as people facing homelessness
Healthy Start Vouchers
To help buy fruit, vegetables and milk if you’re on a low income, pregnant or have a child under
Help and support for people suffering from domestic abuse
Let’s Connect
Involving individuals and communities in mental health support and wellbeing