Championing Hartlepool's voluntary sector
Hartlepool Community Trust champions the work of Hartlepool’s voluntary and community sector organisations (VCS) in various settings, as listed below. NB We use the word “champions” advisedly. We don’t represent the views of the voluntary sector, which are far too diverse and context-dependent – each individual organisation is quite able to articulate its views for itself. Where organisations’ views on a given topic are sought by the Tees Valley-wide organisations, such as the Combined Authority, and national government, such as the Department for Culture, Media & Sport, then due consultation is organised. We do, however, ensure that the voluntary sector’s interests are advanced in settings as described below. For further information or meeting notes please contact either or
Voluntary sector infrastructure support – national, regional & sub-regional contribution
1 Hartlepool Community Trust is a member of National Association for Voluntary & Community Action (NAVCA) – the national membership body for local infrastructure support organisations. Through our work from 2019 supporting Hartlepool’s voluntary sector we became a NAVCA member early in 2024 having met NAVCA’s stringent membership criteria. The NAVCA CEO attends the North East Regional network of VCS infrastructure support organisations (see below) and feeds into and back from national government in respect of civil society matters, such as 2024’s post-riot responses. Thereby there is a connection with the national policy environment.
2 Hartlepool Community Trust is a member of the North East Regional network of voluntary sector infrastructure support organisations, administered by VONNE (Voluntary Organisations Network North East). All recognised voluntary sector infrastructure support organisations across the NE are members of this network, which meets monthly. VONNE has particularly good connections with the NE Integrated Care Board and uses the network as one part of its VCS consultative strategy.
3 We are a member of Tees Valley Infrastructure Partnership (TVIP): Hartlepool Community Trust meets c. monthly with the 4 other Tees Valley-based organisations that champion and support the voluntary sector in their respective locations. These are Stockton Catalyst, Middlesbrough Voluntary Development Agency, Redcar & Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency and Tees Valley Rural Action. TVIP was established in 2022 (as a successor to previous iterations of cross-Tees Valley partnership work between infrastructure support organisations).
TVIP’s role is to meet the need of various Tees Valley-wide institutions – including the Tees Valley Combined Authority, the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner and certain NHS bodies – to factor into their planning the contribution made by the voluntary sector (and civil society generally) to community wellbeing.
One example of VCS championing work to which TVIP members have contributed include the proposed Tees Valley Combined Authority Mayoral Impact Fund.
Championing Hartlepool’s voluntary sector – thematic work
Physical activity: We are members of Hartlepool’s Advisory Group that is steering the process required by Sport England for their 5-year investment in Hartlepool to increase levels of physical activity in the town. The Advisory Group members also include Tees Valley Sport, Sport England and Hartlepool Borough Council (Public Health & Community Services).
Health: We are members of the NHS Integrated Care Board’s Tees Valley “Integrated Care Partnership” (ICP) alongside the 4 other Tees Valley infrastructure support agencies. The ICP is an informal partnership of mainly NHS, Public Health, Tees Valley Healthwatch organisations , local authority service leads and some larger charities from across the Tees Valley. The involvement of the infrastructure support organisations acknowledges the important contribution of the voluntary and community sector to citizens’ health and wellbeing.
Hartlepool Community Trust also sits on the NHS Tees Valley “Waiting Well” steering group – on behalf of the Tees Valley Infrastructure Partnership (TVIP). Various NHS managers, professionals and Public Health officers constitute the steering group – whose goal is to address the lifestyle, mental health and financial challenges faced by NHS patients awaiting elective surgery. As with the ICP, the value of a VCS voice and intelligence is acknowledged.
We are also members of the University Hospitals Tees (UHT) Prevention Group – whose work includes various hospital/community-interface and preventative initiatives. UHT’s long-term strategy is to refocus resources from hospital to community-based care: to which process we are beginning to contribute.
Mental health: We coordinated Hartlepool’s Community Transformation initiative from August 2023 to the end of January 2025. See Mental Health Services | Hartlepool Community Trust for an example of work championing Hartlepool’s VCS.
Safeguarding – children & adults: We are a member of the Hartlepool & Stockton Children’s Safeguarding Partnership and the Tees-wide Adults Safeguarding Board – both of which recognise the importance of having someone around the table championing VCS organisations and providing a VCS perspective when necessary. Much of the debate at meetings concerns procedures pertaining to statutory organisations with legal duties to oversee and manage safeguarding arrangements – but on occasion there are matters of relevance to the VCS.
Anti-poverty work: Hartlepool Community Trust contributes to Hartlepool’s multi-sector collaboration seeking to alleviate hardship in the town and campaign for changes in national policy, alongside the North East Child Poverty Commission. The fortnightly meetings are open to any person or organisation wanting to make a practical contribution. Organisations contributing alongside various HBC departments include Thrive Teesside (who are leading on Hartlepool’s Poverty Truth Commission), West View Advice & Resource Centre, Advice @ Hart, Hartlepool Citizens Advice and Hartlepool Foodbank.
Hartlepool’s food system: Hartlepool Community Trust hosts the Hartlepool Food Partnership – which is funded by the PFC Trust, Hartlepool Borough Council Public Health, Thirteen Group and LARCH. For further information contact either Coordinator – or and see Hartlepool Food Partnership
Creativity & the arts: Creative People & Places is an Arts Council Initiative providing funding for multi-sector partnerships looking to develop new opportunities for community participation in a wide range of creative activities. For details see National Portfolio Creative People and Places funding 2026-29 | Arts Council England . Hartlepool Community Trust is a member of Hartlepool’s partnership seeking to secure funding under this programme. The group is chaired by Phil Douglas. For further information about this partnership that formed in the autumn of 2024 contact either or